CTS Eventim records strong performance in Q3

Ticketing services and live entertainment company, CTS Eventim, has posted a positive third quarter, with revenue increasing significantly compared to to Q3 in 2021 and even in 2019.

Revenue increased to €694m (£611m/$695m) in the third quarter of 2022, compared to €115m in Q3 in 2021 and €378 in the third quarter of 2019. 

The group’s normalised EBITDA amounted to €130m in Q3 compared to €26m in the same period the year prior, and €65m in Q3 in 2019.

The ticketing segment’s revenue amounted to €137m in Q3 in 2022 compared to €61m in the same period last year. The total is also 29% higher than the third quarter of 2019, which amounted to €107m. 

Normalised EBITDA for the ticketing sector equalled €65m in Q3 compared to €27m in Q3 last year, and is also a rise of 44% on the third quarter of 2019 which totalled €45m. 

The live entertainment segment’s revenue climbed to €563m in Q3 compared to €56m during the same period last year, and is higher than the €277m posted in Q3 in 2019. 

Normalised EBITDA in the live entertainment sector equalled €66m compared to a loss of €1m in Q3 last year, with the total also three times higher than the €20m posted in 2019. 

The full financial report for Q3 will be released on November 17.

A strong Q3 continues Eventim’s positive performance in a post-pandemic environment, after a strong Q2 and first six months of 2022.

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