New South Wales to relax coronavirus restrictions

The New South Wales Government in Australia is set to relax coronavirus restrictions, with QR codes for check in only required at nightclubs and large festivals. 

From Friday 18, there will be no density limits for hospitality venues, which previously had to adhere to one person per two square metres. 

QR check-ins at venues such as nightclubs and for music festivals with more than 1,000 people will still be required. 

Singing and dancing will be permitted at all venues except for attendees at music festivals, which have to wait until February 25. 

From Friday February 25, masks will still be needed for indoor music festivals with more than 1,000 people, but will mostly only be mandated for public transport. 

The 20,000 person capacity limit placed on music festivals will be removed, as well as the reintroduction of singing and dancing. Vaccination proof required for entry will remain in place for indoor music festivals over 1,000, with attendees needing at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. 

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet said: “We don’t want restrictions in place for any longer than necessary and with hospitalisation and ICU rates trending downwards now is the right time to make sensible changes. 

“As we continue to move forward out of the pandemic, we are ensuring that we keep people safe and people in jobs so life can return to normal as quickly and safely as possible.

“Our frontline health staff have done an incredible job protecting the community and we need everyone to step up and do the right thing, and get their booster shots to help keep themselves, their family, and the community safe.”

Image: Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

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