Roundabout patrons adapt to digital ticketing 

New York-based non-profit theatre organisation, Roundabout Theatre Company, has worked with digital ticketing company True Tickets to deliver more than 22,000 blockchain-enabled contactless digital tickets during the fall season on Broadway.

The season marked True Tickets’ first season on Broadway, with Roundabout also acting as its first Broadway client.

Digital tickets were utilised by both subscribers and single-ticket buyers for shows such as Trouble in Mind, Caroline and Change. Some 47% of single-ticket buyers booking with Roundabout opted for digital delivery, more than any other option or print-at-home tickets.

Compared with single-ticket purchases in the 2019-2020 season, other methods of ticket delivery significantly decreased. Will call dropped by 19%, print-at-home reduced by 64% and mail plummeted by some 81%.

Gabe Johnson, director of sales and analytics at Roundabout, said: “The data tells the story. Our audiences have overwhelmingly adapted to the experience of digital tickets. True Tickets allowed us to streamline our operations while promising to provide significantly more insights into who is attending our performances.”

Johnson added: “True Tickets has been a seamless addition to the customer experience and has enabled us to take a big leap toward making ticketing a more strategic function. Moving forward, we can better understand and engage our audiences, explore the benefits and potential applications with additional distribution channels, and ultimately create an even better experience for patrons.”

The True Tickets service integrates with Roundabout’s existing Tessitura CRM system through APIs, without having to rip and replace any of the venue’s infrastructure.

Matt Zarracina, chief executive of True Tickets, said: “The first fall Broadway season at Roundabout shows our service works at scale in the most challenging environments. It also illustrates the quantifiable benefits our service provides to clients today as well as the massive future potential it possesses.

“Roundabout now has more control over how its tickets are sold, more insight into who’s using tickets, and more opportunities to leverage technology to build relationships with its patrons and partners. These tangible results show how any venue – on Broadway, in sports, in music, and beyond – can take advantage of secure, contactless digital ticketing today.”

Image: Jordhan Madec on Unsplash

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