Beijing Winter Olympic Games utilise Prevail solutions 

Shenzhen-based Prevail Technology’s entry solutions were utilised for the recent Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games to speed up access for attendees.

While the Games were only attended by around 150,000 fans who were invited to watch the sporting action, ticketed entry was still required.

The attendees were locals and were invited to events in two of the three venue clusters, while no fans were allowed to attend alpine skiing and sliding sports events.

It had been announced in January that tickets would not go on general sale for the event due to the ongoing concern around COVID-19.

According to Prevail, spectators were able to access venues in as little as 1.5 seconds, with the digital ticketing system using Prevail’s production data acquisition (PDA) system to verify ticket QR codes.

This was also the first time that a digital ticketing system had been in place for an Olympic Games, according to the company. PDA technology was widely applied at the Games, with real-time ID scanning and data checking, which helped to speed up entry.

Prevail also said that data security is guaranteed by the PDA system’s features, which include faster information processing, transmission and smarter display. Fast and efficient verification of IDs, tickets, and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags was enabled across the event.

Image: Chris Linnett on Unsplash

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