Temporary trucking legislation to help ease Brexit touring pains

The Department for Transport (DfT) in the UK has organised a temporary fix to the issues that have surrounded British artists touring in Europe due to Brexit and the moving of equipment.

The issues related to trucks carrying tour equipment over 3.5 tonnes between the UK and the EU, which were limited to three stops before having to leave the EU and return home.

However, the DfT has agreed to implement a short-term, temporary license that would allow certain haulage companies to manage their vehicles under GB and EU operating licenses depending on where they are headed.

Brexit has continued to cause issues for touring artists including problems with visas and the transport of equipment.

English band White Lies were forced to cancel a show in Paris last week after their equipment was detained “by Brexit legislation”.

In a statement on Twitter, the band said: “To our dear fans here in Paris, we and our crew have arrived safely this morning to start our European tour. But our equipment has been detained by Brexit legislation leaving England, along with countless other trucks.

“We are aware this happened to [another] British band last week, We’re devastated to say that without our equipment we do not have a show, and tonight’s has to be cancelled and rescheduled. It’s heartbreaking to be here in this wonderful city, and unable to perform due to such a trivial issue.”

In order for the dual licences to work, companies need to be registered both in the UK and the EU, meaning only the big five haulage businesses will benefit. Haulers solely based in the UK will not benefit from the temporary amendment.

Operators like Transam Trucking, Edwin Shirly Trucking, KB Event, Stagetruck and Fly By Nite will benefit from the changes, aiding over 100 tours across Europe in the summer.

Image: Roger Bradshaw on Unsplash

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