FC Copenhagen posts Scandinavian attendance record

FC Copenhagen has achieved a record average attendance for a football club across Denmark and the wider Scandinavian region.

The Danish Superliga club welcomed an average gate of 28,860 spectators during the 2022-23 season, which is the highest-ever aggregate crowd across the region, according to Mikkel Bjerre, FC Copenhagen’s ticketing and customer service manager.

The landmark figure was confirmed following a huge crowd of 35,820 for the home game against Randers, which was the highest Superliga attendance achieved since the club rebuilt its Parken stadium in 2009.

The season average is up around 17% compared to the 24,626 achieved last season.

“This remarkable achievement reflects the growing popularity and support for F.C. København,” said Bjerre, in a LinkedIn post.

“As we celebrate this momentous achievement, let us recognise and appreciate the countless individuals behind the scenes who have worked tirelessly to create a better matchday experience for the fans. From stadium staff to security personnel, from part-time employees to event organisers, each of them has played a crucial role in making these Superliga games in Parken even better.

“Lastly, a heartfelt thank you goes out to every single fan who contributed to these astonishing attendance figures, beautiful tifos, and atmosphere. Your unwavering support, passion, and dedication are the true driving force behind these records.”

Speaking earlier this season, following a stromg start to the season in terms of attendance, Copenhagen director Jacob Lauesen said: “It is part of our strategy that we want to create even more FC Copenhageners and create even better experiences in the Park.

“The figures show that we are on the right track. More and more FC Copenhageners are coming and therefore more and more spectators to our matches. It’s a fantastically positive development that we’re constantly trying to build on in collaboration with our fans and partners as well as in everyday life at the office.”

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