Why event organizers must embrace event technology – Blog

In many ways, the world is becoming more and more digital. Whether it be the way we shop, work, or even speak, technology has taken over many facets of our day-to-day lives. This trend is also true for events!  Technologies like online event registration, ticketing software, and mobile apps are revolutionizing how people experience live events. …

Event planners vs event coordinators – Blog

Organizing events is always exciting, but it takes a lot of effort. With the help of an event planner and event coordinator, you can implement your ideas and execute your plans effortlessly. However, you must understand the difference between event planners and event coordinators to decide when to use one instead of the other. The …

Easy event networking hacks to engage virtual attendees – Blog

Virtual events offer several benefits, including a wider audience reach and a lesser carbon footprint. One of the top challenges for event organizers is networking, as it differs from traditional events where they have more opportunities to engage attendees. Even with the challenges, you can provide networking experiences that keep attendees engaged, regardless of their …