TEG has announced that Toby Leighton-Pope has been made managing director of the newly formed TEG Europe. Leighton-Pope will oversee the expansion of TEG Europe, which has amalgamated TEG’s UK-based live entertainment, ticketing, venue, digital and data operations. TEG Europe comprises TEG Live Europe; ticketing platform Ticketek; TEG’s data science and analytics business Ovation; indie …

TEG announces formation of TEG Europe
TEG has today (Tuesday) announced the formation of TEG Europe, bringing together its UK-based live entertainment, ticketing, venue, digital and data operations into a single integrated operation. TEG Europe will be based out of Bristol and London and will comprise TEG Live Europe, which includes the former TEG MJR’s touring business; TEG Venues, which includes …

Cricket Australia and TEG’s Ovation announce data partnership
Live entertainment, ticketing and technology company TEG will use its analytics business, Ovation, to merge fan data across a number of topics for Cricket Australia as part of a new wide-ranging partnership. Australia’s cricket governing body will be able to access data across ticketing, membership, merchandise and participation to create an understanding of engagement and …